Saturday, February 05, 2011

for steve t.

Single panel and three page excerpt from an unpublished comics story.
Click the images to see them larger.


Gerald de Dios said...

Fantastic panels Gary!

Alex Zonis said...

So cool! I really like them!

Dan Lai said...

Is this something you're working on yourself? Or are you collaborating? Writing?

gary amaro said...

Dan, this piece is from some time ago. Artwork and layouts by me from a story brief by another writer. It was to be an ongoing comic about office workers and corporate spies, but it never got off the ground. I post it in tribute to my friend Steve Territo who modelled the protagonist here and also helped me envision characters in other stories. Sadly, Steve passed away a few days ago.

Anonymous said...

sad to hear about your friend, I remember you showing these pages in class. Really good stuff, shame it is unpublished still.