Sunday, August 08, 2010

cafe philosophy

My cover for the August/September 2010 issue of Cafe Philosophy, a non-academic magazine about philosophy, published in New Zealand and available now. The current issue also features interior illustrations by my fellow urban sketcher, Lapin.

Featured in the foreground are Friedrich Nietzche and Arthur Schopenhauer. Also depicted are Sartre, Plato, Aristotle, Berkeley, Descartes, Spinoza, Vermeer's geographer, a Yagua Indian, a woman as the Sphinx, a man who may be Kierkegaard, and a tribute to the destroyed Klimt painting, Philosophy.


Eduardo Alvarado said...

... incredible!!!

... absolutely amazing!

SoLe Rebel said...

I Love it!!! I think I'll find it online..Is it digital?

Bill Koeb said...

nice piece, Gar. Hope all is well.