Monday, April 26, 2010


Friday I went to a drawing party in San Francisco featuring the butoh performance troupe Bad Unkl Sista in spectacular costumes, moving and posing to live music at the Bus Stop Gallery. Here are some of my sketches from the night. Click through the images for greater detail.

More sketches from the night by Marc Holmes and Jackson Dryden.


jehan said...

Wow Gary just wow.. These are absolutely stunning! I gotta make it out to those sessions

Kim Goldsmith said...

You are an amazing artist. Glad you're having fun :)


Eduardo Alvarado said...

Gary, love them... ALL!

Ashish D. Joshi said...

Neat sketches, Gary.

Bill Koeb said...

Great drawings!

Gerald de Dios said...

Unbelievable sketches Gary!!! That's really a great sketching event. Have to catch up with you guys next time around.